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Saturday, June 16, 2012


1. Definition taqdir and urgency believe in him:
Taqdir are: The provision of God for all that is in accordance with theknowledge and Wisdom.Taqdir was back to square (power) of Allah, verily He over all things Powerful, and do what He wills.
Faith in the taqdir is part of faith in the Almighty GOD rububiyah and is one of the pillars of faith that will not be perfect faith in someone without it. Allah says:
"Verily We created all things according to size." (QS.Al-Qomar: 49).
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said:
((كل شيء بقدر حتى العجز والكيس, أو الكيس والعجز),)
"Everything has ditaqdirkan up the weak and the clever and cunning or weak." (Narrated by Muslim).

2. Rankings taqdir:
Not perfect faith in believing taqdir except with four levels:
First: Faithful to God Azali science, which encompasses all things. Allah says:
"Do you not know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth? Indeed such was contained in a book (Lauh Mahfudz). Lo! That is easy for Allah. "(QS.Al-Hajj: 70).
Second: Faithful to God for science writing everything in Lauh taqdir Mahfudz. Allah says:
"Nor We neglected nothing in the Book." (QS.Al-An 'am: 38).
Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said:
((كتب الله مقادير الخلائق قبل أن يخلق السموات والأرض بخمسين ألف سنة))
"God has written taqdir (provisions to be applicable to) all the creatures before He created the heavens and the earth and fifty thousand years." (Narrated by Muslim).
Third: Faithful to the will of God that must be accomplished, and his dominion is complete. Allah says:
"And you can not be willed (the path) except where the will of God, the Lord of hosts." (QS.At-takwir: 29).
Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said to someone who said to him: "the will of Allah and your will":
((أجعلتني لله ندا بل ما شاء الله وحده))
"Would you make me as an ally for God? But (say): just the will of God. "(Narrated by Ahmad).
Fourth: Faith in that God is the creator of all things. Allah says:
"God is the creator of all things and He maintains all things." (QS.Az-Zumar: 62).
And in another verse Allah says:
"Whereas it is God who created you and what you are doing." (QS.Ash-Shaffat: 96).
Rasululullah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said:
((إن الله يصنع كل صانع وصنعته))
"Surely God who created every person who works and work it." (Narrated by Bukhari).
3. Taqdir kinds:
i. Taqdir common to all creatures, and God wrote it in Lawh Mahfudz fifty thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth.
ii. Taqdir throughout the ages, that every happened to a servant of the spirit since blown him until the end of his end.
iii. Annual Taqdir, Namely taqdir to what will happen every year, he determined on the night of Laylat al-Qadr every year. Allah says:
"On that night described all affairs, full of Wisdom." (QS.Ad-Dukhan: 4).
iv. Daily Taqdir, namely taqdir to what happens every day, such as noble and despicable, and are not given, lived and died and many others. Allah says:
"All that is in heaven and on earth is always asked of Him. Every time in rushing him. "(QS.Ar-Rahman: 29).
4. Aqidah Salaf on the issue taqdir
Indeed, Allah is the creator of all things, regulators and the owner, he has mentaqdirkan all provisions will apply to all creatures before creating them, either in the form of death, sustenance, deeds and the end of their life in the form of happiness or misery, everything is listed on the Lauh Mahfudz. All of what God wills must happen and everything does not He will not happen, he knew what had happened, which is and will happen, if in case there She knows how it will happen. He is Powerful over all things, give guidance to whom He will and misleads whom He wills. And every slave has the desire and ability to act as God has ditaqdirkan for them, with the belief that a slave had no desire except if God wants. Allah says:
"And those who strive for (seeking pleasure) We really will We show them to our Paths." (QS.Al-Ankabut: 69).
And verily Allah is the creator of all the servants and their deeds, and they were the perpetrators of such deeds. So there is no hujjah for anyone who leaves the liability or do things that are forbidden, but the God who has the right hujjah over His servants. Can berhujjah with taqdir the plight, not the ugliness and sin is done. As ever spoken by the Apostle sallallaahu alaihi wasallam about hujjah Moses to Adam:
((تحاج آدم وموسى, فقال موسى: أنت آدم الذي أخرجتك خطيئتك من الجنة, فقال له آدم: أنت موسى الذي اصطفاك الله برسالته وبكلامه ثم تلومني على أمر قد قدر علي قبل أن أخلق فحج آدم موسى))
"Adam and Moses were in berhujjah, Moses said: O Adam You who have been expelled from heaven because of your sins. So Adampun said to him: "You, O God of Moses, who has been selected by his treatise and his theology, then you are criticizing me for an affair that has ditaqdirkan for me before I created. So Adampun hujjah beat Moses. "(Narrated by Muslim).
5. Slave deeds.
Deeds that God created in nature is divided into two kinds:
First: The act imposed by the deeds of the Almighty towards His creatures, so in this case there is no choice and the will of man, and yet all the will of Allah. As the turn, turn, sick and healthy. Allah says:
"Whereas God who created you and what you are doing." (QS.Ash-Shaffat: 96).
In other of his word:
"What makes the dead and alive, that He may test you, who among you a better charity." (QS.Al-Mulk: 2).

Second: What was done by all creatures that have the will of god (the will), this occurs on the choice and the will of the perpetrators, because God has made it on themselves. Allah says:
"That is for those of you who want a straight path." (QS.At-takwir: 28).
And in His word to another:
"If anyone wanted to (believe), let him believe, and whoever wanted (infidel), let him disbelieve." (QS.Al-Kahf: 29).
Thus they will be commended for doing an admirable and will be reproached for that despicable act. And God does not punish the servants, except the deeds which they have a choice and the will there. As God says:
"And I never persecuted my servants." (QS.Qaaf: 29).
And humans can distinguish between the actions undertaken by choice and action that had occurred. Someone who fell from the roof of a house with stairs is an activity based on the will, and someone who falls thrown by other people from the roof is an act which was forced to occur.
6. The correlation between the creation of God and servants act
Servant of God who has created and deeds, and gave him the will and ability, then the servant is doing the actual perpetrators, and it was he who melangsungkannya; because he has the will and ability. If he believed then that is the will and accord, and if he disbelieve it was also based on the will and wishes. As our words: this fruit of this tree, this plant from this land; mean that things are going from this object and also from the God who has created these things from earlier objects. So there are no opposites between them, thus there is harmony between the shari'ah of Allah and His taqdir. Allah says:
"Whereas God who created you and what you do." (Surat Ash-Shaffat: 96).
And his word to another:
"As for those who give (freely in the way of Allah) and do right, and justify the best reward (heaven), then We will prepare him an easy road. And as for those who felt himself quite stingy, and lie to the best, We shall soon be preparing for him (the road) which is difficult. "(QS.Al-Lail :5-10).
7. Liability of a servant against taqdir.
A slave has two obligations to the problem taqdir:
First: Pleading for God's help to be able to carry out deeds that were ordered and away from the banned, also pray to be facilitated and kept out of trouble, and put their trust in Him and ask His protection. Thus it has a dependence on God in his efforts to do good and leave the crime.Messenger of Allaah alahi wa sallam said:
((احرص على ما ينفعك واستعن بالله ولا تعجز وإن أصابك شيء فلا تقل:
لو أني فعلت كذا وكذا لكان كذا وكذا ولكن قل: قدر الله وما شاء فعل, فإن لو تفتح عمل الشيطان))
"Try for something useful to you and ask for help to God and not to weak, and if you replaced an accident then do not you say that if I do that and this is definitely the result will be such and such. But let's say: God has mentaqdirkannya and what He will definitely be him doing. For indeed wishing to open a charity devil. "
Second: Must have patience to accept what has ditaqdirkan and not nervous, and know that it is from God so that he willingly and meekly. And to know that what will happen to him inevitable, and what will not happen to him, too, would not happen to him. As word of the Prophet:
((واعلم أن ما أصابك لم يكن ليخطئك وما أخطأك لم يكن ليصيبك))
"And know that what will happen will happen and what will not happen to you also would not happen."
8. Rida with and making up those Qadr
Rida against taqdir is a must, because it is pleased with the rububiyah perfection of God. So every believer should be pleased with making up those 'God: for the works of God and His qadha' all good and just and wise, he who himself believe that anything will happen to him would not be missed and what is not going to happen to him would not have happened to her, she will escape from the sense of confusion and doubt and anxiety, and tossing in his life will disappear.So he will not grieve for what escapes from him, and not afraid about the future, thus he will become the happiest human being, has the best soul and has the most calm mind.
Anyone who realizes that the death was determined, rezkinya already limited, the fear is not going to add to its age, and avarice will not add rezkinya, because everything has been accounted for, then he will be patient for all the calamities that befall, and beristighfar of all the sins and vices that have been done, and pleased with the taqdir God, thus he has combined the obey God and be patient against all disasters. Allah says:
"Nothing musibahpun that befall a person except with the permission of Allah, and whoever believes in Allah, nicaya He will give instructions to his heart. And Allah is Knower of all things. "(QS.At-Taghabun: 11).
In another verse Allah says:
"Therefore be patient, because the promise of Allah is true and ask forgiveness for your sins." (QS.Al-Believers: 55).
9. Hidayah there are two kinds:
First: Hidayah guidance and direction to the truth, for all creatures. Hidayah is what can be done by the apostles and their followers. Allah says:
"And thou really give clues to a Straight Path." (Obligatory upon the Shura: 52).
Second: Source of strength and tastbit Hidayah (determination) of God. This guidance is a gift and a gift from Allah to His servants who fear Allah. This guidance is only possessed by God, no one could give, except He. Allah says:
"Surely, you will not be able to give instructions to the person you love, but God gave the instructions to people who He wills." (QS.Al-Qashash: 56).
10. Will of god (the will) in the Book of Allah, there are two kinds:
First: kauniyah qadariyah will of god, which will include all that exists, whatever God wills will happen, and what is not desired him would not have happened. It ensures the will of god what is meant, but it does not mean it must be loved and blessed, except when dealing with the will of god shar'iyya. Allah says:
"Those whom Allah willed to give him instructions will, He melapang his chest for the (religion) of Islam." (QS.Al-An 'am: 125).
Second: Diniyah syar'iyah will of god, namely a love of a question and against the perpetrators and pleasure to them, but it does not mean that it is inevitable, except when coupled with the will of god kauniyah. Allah says:
"Allah intends for you ease and does not want hardship for you." (Al-Baqarah: 185).
Kauniyah more common will of god, because every everything that happens is a syar'i means it is kauniyah desired, and is not intended as kauni every happening meaning intended by syar'i.
Iman Abu Bakr radhiallahu anhu for example, happened to him two of god. While the examples that occur to him despite the will of god kauniyah it also meant the faith of god syar'iyah Abu Jahl. So even though God willed disobedience are happening in kauniyah taqdir and want it, but He does not want it in syar'iyah and Dien, God does not like it and not ordered. He even hated, and forbid him and threatening the perpetrators. All were included in taqdirnya.
As for obedience and faith, God ordered him to love and even promises to reward principals and good replies. Someone is not going to GOD disobeying Allaah SWT except for His will, nothing happens except by the will of Him, His word:
"And He was not pleased with disbelief for His servants." (QS.Az-Zumar: 7).
His words also:
"And God does not love corruption." (QS.Al-Baqarah: 205).
11. The causes which can reject taqdir.
Subhanahu wata'ala God makes a few things that could resist the taqdir and picked it up, namely in the form of prayer, sadaqah, drugs, prudence and determination, because the essence of all that is making up those 'and taqdir God to silliness and cleverness.
12. Taqdir problem is the secret of God on the creatures.
Taqdir is a statement that the secret of God in His creatures, confined to the hidden aspects of the Qadr. The nature of things no one knows except Allaah alone, and can not be known by humans, such that Allah is misleading, giving instructions, turn on, turn off, give, hold. as spoken by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
((إذا ذكر القدر فأمسكوا))
"If called on taqdir you he dwelt." (Narrated by Muslim).
As for other aspects of taqdir, a great lesson, level, degree and effect, all this includes things that can be explained to the people and should know, because taqdir is one of the pillars of faith that must be known and studied. As spoken by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when explaining the pillars of faith to Gabriel:
((هذا جبريل أتاكم يعلمكم دينكم))
"It was Gabriel who came to you to teach your religion." (Narrated by Muslim).
13. Cogent with taqdir.
Science of the Almighty to what will happen is a magical thing, nobody knows but him, not one of the servant who knows, there is no excuse for someone to berhujjah with taqdir, and should not be left to rely on charity taqdir . Taqdir can not be made by a servant as hujjah of God, also for fellow beings, because if someone can reasonably with taqdir for crimes he did, then people would not be punished dzalim, idolaters will not be killed, there would be no law enforcement , and the dzalim not be prohibited from kedzalimannya, and this is the real damage and danger to religion and life of the world.
We say to the reasoned with taqdir: you do not have definite knowledge that you are including expert heaven or hell, if you have the knowledge that we will not charge you and do not forbid, but beramallah may Allaah unto Him and making you include expert heaven.
Some friends said after hearing about taqdir hadith-hadith: "Now I am more seriously (worship) than in the past."
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said when asked about the reason to taqdir: "Beramallah, because each of you will be facilitated to go taqdirnya (what has been determined for him), whoever is presented as a happy person he will be eased for people who do good deeds will be happy, and whoever recorded as the person who hurt him will be eased for those who do evil deeds. Then he read:
"As for those who give (freely in the way of Allah) and do right, and justify the best reward (heaven), then We will prepare him an easy road. And as for people who are griping and felt himself quite well lie to the best, We shall soon be preparing for him (the road) which is difficult. "(QS.Al-Lail :5-10).
14. Conduct because (ikhtiyar).
The things that struck a servant is twofold:
First thing that may be completed (no way out) then he's not weak in trying to find solutions.
Both: All things are possible he was looking for the solution (the solution), then in this case he did not have anxiety. Because God knows all wata'ala subhanahu disaster before it happens, and the knowledge of God about the disaster that does not mean he has dropped into the unfortunate servant, but because the accident occurred that caused the accident. If the accident happened to him because he ignored the causes and factors which would make him shielded from the accident and it was instructed in religion, then he is guilty for not trying to realize the reasons which will protect him from the accident. The disaster that he himself was not able to overcome it, so he can be tolerated.
Pursuing because not conflict with taqdir and he even included in the submission part. But if taqdir has happened, then he shall be pleased and surrender, and returned to the words:
((قدر الله وما شاء فعل))
"God has mentaqdirkan, What He will definitely happen."
As before taqdir that happens, then the task of a servant is trying to lead a cause that masyru ', and refused taqdir with taqdir. The prophet used to seek the causes and the means that will protect them from their enemies, when they were reinforced with a miracle and the preservation of God. Likewise alaihi wasallam Prophet as leader of the people who put their trust, trying to take because although he is the most powerful person tawakkalnya. Allah says:
"And make ready against them whatever force you could withstand, and of horses tethered to the war (which by perisapan that) you deter the enemy of Allah and your enemy." (QS.Al-Anfal: 60).
In another verse Allah says:
"It was he who made the earth it easy for you, then walk in all directions and take a party of his sustenance. and unto Him ye (back when) was resurrected. "(QS.Al-Mulk: 15).
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said:
((المؤمن القوي خير وأحب إلى الله من المؤمن الضعيف وفي كل خير, احرص على ما ينفعك واستعن بالله ولا تعجز وإن أصابك شيء فلا تقل:
لو أني فعلت كذا وكذا لكان كذا وكذا ولكن قل: قدر الله وما شاء فعل, فإن لو تفتح عمل الشيطان))
"A strong believer is better and more loved by God than the weak believer and in each there is good, try to anything useful for you, ask for help to God and do not be weak. And if you are unfortunate overwritten something then do not you say if I were doing this would be such and such, would rather say: God has mentaqdirkan, what God wills must happen, because it wished, wished he had opened the vicious deeds. "(Narrated by Muslim ).
15. Law for the menginkari taqdir.
Whoever menginkari taqdir, indeed he has one runway principal menginkari Shariah and therefore he has committed kufr. Some of the scholars' salaf said: "Debatlah Qadariyah with science, if they deny it, they were infidels, and if they admit they argue."
16. Wisdom faith taqdir
Taqdir led to believe that good outcomes and impacts for people and individuals, among them:
1. Will produce various kinds of good deeds and noble qualities, such as sincerity, trust, fear and hope in God, be kind to him, thought, patience and steadfast, eliminating the sense of despair, pleasure to God, just give thanks to God, and pleased with His grace and mercy, tawadhu 'to him, leaving the pride and arrogance, encouraged to spend in the way of kindness because tsiqah (trust) in God, courage, qana'ah (accept any) and self-esteem, determination high assertive, in all seriousness the problem, being in the middle like it or grief, survivors of envy and disapproval, his free mind from superstition and various kebatilan, spaciousness and equanimity soul.
2. A believer with taqdir will run in his life on the road of truth, good will not make him to be arrogant, and disaster will not make him despair and believe that all the trouble that happened to her is a taqdir and test from God, thus he will be patient and steadfast and will not be nervous.
3. Taqdir believe in, protecting it from the causes that plunges to the error and suul khatimah (termination of life that bad), because taqdir make someone always mean it to istiqamah, memperba many good works and stay away from vices and cause destruction.
4. Growing on the souls of the faithful courage and conviction who strive for steady as well as in facing the disasters and difficulties. Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said:
((عجبا لأمر المؤمن إن أمره كله له خير وليس ذلك إلا للمؤمن, إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له, وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له))
"It was amazing affairs of a believer, in fact all of his business well and it was not owned except by the believer, if he get the pleasure she was thankful and that's good for him, and if you have patience then this tragedy she rose good for him. (Narrated by Muslim).

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