Praise be to Allaah.
This is one of two cases: either this man
is ignorant and what he says is of no significance, or what he says
is a fabrication and a lie. We Muslims know well the aayah (Qur’aanic
verse) in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write
(i.e. Muhammad) whom they find written with them in the Tawraat (Torah)
(Deut, xviii 15) and the Injeel (Gospel) (John, xiv 16), — he commands
them for Al-Ma‘roof (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islam has
ordained); and forbids them from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism
of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden); he allows them as lawful
At‑Tayyibaat (i.e. all good and lawful as regards things, deeds,
beliefs, persons and foods), and prohibits them as unlawful Al‑Khabaa’ith
(i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons
and foods), he releases them from their heavy burdens (of Allaah’s
Covenant with the children of Israel),
and from the fetters (bindings) that were upon them. So those who believe
in him (Muhammad), honour him, help him, and follow the light (the Qur’aan)
which has been sent down with him, it is they who will be successful
[al-A’raaf 7:157]
Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on
him) said in his commentary (tafseer) on this verse:
“ ‘Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write
whom they find written with them in the Tawraat (Torah) and the Injeel
(Gospel)’ – this is a description of Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the books of the Prophets
who gave their nations the glad tidings of his coming and commanded
them to follow him. This description is still there in their books and
their scholars and rabbis know it. Imaam Ahmad narrated: Ismaa’eel told
us from al-Jareeri from Abu Sakhr al-‘Aqeeli, a man from among the Bedouin
told me, I brought a milch-camel to Madeenah during the lifetime of
the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him). When I had sold her, I said, “Let
me meet this man [the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him)] and listen to him.” I met him
walking between Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, and I followed them until they came
to a Jewish man who was reading from a scroll of the Torah, consoling
himself for the plight of his son who lay dying, a boy who was very
handsome and good looking. The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘I ask you by the
One Who revealed this Torah, do you find any mention in this book of
yours of my attributes and my coming?’ The man gestured with his head
to indicate ‘No’. But his son said, ‘Yes indeed, by the One who revealed
the Torah, we do find mention of your attributes and your coming in
our book, and I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah and
that you are the Messenger of Allaah.’ [The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)] said, ‘Keep this Jew away
from your brother.’ Then he took care of shrouding him and praying [the
funeral prayer] over him.” This is a qawiy
jayyid hadeeth.
It was narrated that ‘Ataa’ ibn Yassaar
said: “I met ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr and said, ‘Tell me about the attributes
of the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described in the Torah.’ He said,
‘Yes, by Allaah he is described in the Torah as he is described in the
Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily,
We have sent you (O Muhammad) as a witness, as a bearer of glad tidings,
and as a warner” [al-Fath 48:8] – and as a saviour to the
unlettered; you are My slave and My messenger; your name is al-Mutawakkil;
you are not harsh and aggressive; Allaah will not take him (in death)
until He has straightened a crooked nation through him so that they
will say that there is no god except Allaah, and has opened hard hearts,
deaf ears and blind eyes.’” ‘Ataa’ said: “Then I met Ka’b (who
was one of the People of the Book who had become Muslim) and I asked
him about that, and he told me exactly the same, not even one letter
was different…”
Al-Bukhaari narrated in his Saheeh
that ‘Ataa’ ibn Yassaar said: “ I met ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas
(may Allaah be pleased with him) and said, ‘Tell me about the description
of the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Torah. He said, ‘‘Yes, by
Allaah, he is described in the Torah in some of the same terms as he
is described in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily,
We have sent you (O Muhammad) as a witness, as a bearer of glad tidings,
and as a warner” [al-Fath 48:8] – and as a saviour to the
unlettered; you are My slave and My messenger; your name is al-Mutawakkil;
he is not harsh and aggressive, and he does not make a noise in the
market-place; he does not repay evil with evil, rather he overlooks
and forgives; Allaah will not take him (in death) until He has straightened
a crooked nation through him so that they will say that there is no
god except Allaah, and has opened hard hearts, deaf ears and blind eyes.’”
(al-Bukhaari, al-Fath,
no. 2125)
Allaah did not send any Prophet without
taking from him the covenant and promise that if the Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) were to appear during his lifetime, he would follow Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him).
Allaah says in Soorat Aal ‘Imraan (which
no Christian reads with an open mind but he will become Muslim) (interpretation
of the meaning):
“And (remember)
when Allaah took the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: ‘Take whatever
I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allaah),
and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming
what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him.’ Allaah
said: ‘Do you agree (to it) and will you take up My Covenant (which
I conclude with you)?’ They said: ‘We agree.’ He said: ‘Then bear witness;
and I am with you among the witnesses (for this).’”
[Aal ‘Imraan 3:81]
Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him)
said in his commentary (tafseer) on this verse:
It is said that Allaah took the covenant from the Prophets
that they would confirm one another, and He commanded them to believe
in one another. This is the meaning of believing and helping (‘you
must, then, believe in him and help him’)… Taawoos said:
Allaah took the covenant from the first Prophets that they would believe
in the Message of the later Prophets…
The Messenger here is Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), according to the view of
‘Ali and Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them).
Allaah took the covenant from all the Prophets that they
would believe in Muhammad (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) if they met him, and He commanded
them to take the same covenant from their nations.
If you want to know more about the references
to the coming of the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Bible (even after it has
been altered!) we refer you to the books “Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) in the Bible” and “What
the Bible says about Muhammad (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him)” by Ahmad Deedat.
We ask Allaah to guide you.
From learning Quran online Blog
To all Muslim we should listen to Quran and try to learn Quran online with translation to understand the holy scripture and it is must for us to read Quran online, and availing the knowledge through learning Arabic Quran this is the main deauty that we have to promote and learn holy quran so that the true words of Allah should be spread we should try to learn quran tafseer the translation as well so we could explain and understand that what ever te quran tutor teaches more articles can be found under learning Quran online Blog a recourse full collection of hadith bukhari shrif and a read Quran online or you can listen holy Quran recitation for top quran reciters and you can find Quran for kids and quran teaching staff online to learn quran from where ever you want to learn the teaching of Koran and they provide tajweed quran lessons and Quran memorization classes well plz link to it and share it to promote the teachings of islam
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